IRC Conspiracy Game Engine

hosted by sourceforge

About ICGE

Project goal

The main idea of this framework is to make it possible to play mafia-like games over IRC, where only the server providing the framework is OS-dependant, as opposed to the client, that can be any IRC client on any operating system.

Game concept

In the most basic variant of the game, there are two "teams" - the killers and their prey. The thrilling factor of the game is, that both teams are together, and all the preys do not know who the killers among them are.

The goal of the killers is to kill all of the preys, the goal of the preys is to kill all the killers, by figuring out in public discussion who is a killer and who is not, which is not that simple, of course.

This basic concept does not sound very exciting, especially in the long term - which brought us to the decision to add more special functionality, for example special functions along the players or game-specific additions.

For game rules, installation, etc... go to the HowTo section

Developement roadway

The game is at the moment in an early beta stage. Users can join the game and play a normal, turn-based version of the game, which is rather unexciting as for the moment, themes are not yet implemented and there's messages like "all preys are dead" and so on. To stay up to date, keep looking at the news, we'll publish new plans and reached goals there frequently.


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