IRC Conspiracy Game Engine

hosted by sourceforge


HowTo play a game

Playing a game can be done with an arbitrary IRC client without any further requirements. First, if not already done, join a channel where an ICGE bot is present. During a the game the bot will always tell you what to do and you have as well the possibility to get help querying the bot with "!help".

Creating a game

To create a game type "!nickname newgame <option>=<value>", where nickname is the bot's nickname and <option> is an option such as the duration of the votes. To see all available options query the bot with "!help option". The bot will inform people that a game was created and how they can join. By creating a new game you automatically become the game master who can start and stop the game.

Joining a game

Joining a game consists of two steps: first join the game channel, e.g. #253-icge, and second query the bot with "!join 253". 253 is a number randomly chosen by the bot. The two steps are necessary to distinguish spectators from players. The second step adds you to the player list and gives you voice in the channel.

Starting a game

The game master starts the game by "!startgame" at a time when he thinks enough people have joined the game. The bot then communicates every single player what his function in the game is and you are possibly invited to a second channel. The names of these functions differ depending on the theme file but you can always ask the bot what it means: "!help <function>.


Now the actual game play begins. The game is based on a regular day-night-cycle each with a vote when (probably) one player is chosen to die. Special functions interrupt this cycle but the bot always tells you what to do then. Here only the two commands which concern everyone:

!startvote - You give your voice to start a vote. The number startvotes needed for a vote to begin depends on the number of players still alive.

!vote <nickname> - Vote for the player you want to kill.

HowTo set up an ICGE-Bot

To set up a new game bot load the script on an IRSSI client using the command "/script load [script]". For further information about configurability and administrative commands use the "/icge_help" command (only accessible on the client where your bot is running). You can stop the bot at any time by "/script unload [script]" or by simply quitting the IRSSI client.


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