IRC Conspiracy Game Engine

hosted by sourceforge


Frequently asked questions

What is ICGE?

ICGE means IRC Conspiracy Game Engine and is the name of a project which aims to implement the popular group games Mafia, Les loups-garous de Thiercelieux and other variants on the IRC platform. The game consists of a single IRSSI perl script which acts as the game leader. Once running the script can host different games at the same time and the players do not have any further requirements than an arbitrary IRC client.

What is IRC?

IRC is an acronym which stands for Internet Relay Chat. It is a very old chat and therefore it might seem complicated and inefficient to novices. The channel system and many other IRC typical solutions are part of the game but we tried to make the access to the game as easy as possible

Can I run the script on any client?

No, it only works on IRSSI.

Where can I get IRSSI?


Is it platform independent?

The game can be played on any operating system but creating a bot needs IRSSI which is an IRC client for Linux and Windows. There is no Mac version so far.

Why is it so difficult to play ICGE?

ICGE does not include a graphical user interface (GUI) which you are probably used to. This means you cannot simply click around but you have to write something to tell the bot your opinion. After a certain time you will not care anymore if you have to type a command or if you can click a button. Tip: Auto-completion (TAB) reduces type work drastically.

Am I allowed to modify your program?

Yes. ICGE is released under GPL v3 and the documentation should you give an easy access to changing the script to your wishs


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